One of the more subtle ways in which a gender ideology seeks to devalue biological sex is the propaganda seeking to use the phrase "sex assigned at birth" as if the doctor is making a subjective judgement about the babies sex, rather than observing a biological and objective reality. It is like saying “the baby’s eyes are blue” and saying that’s “assigning eye colour at birth”.
It is done, I am sure, with the best of intentions, to defend trans people. And I wholly agree that trans people must have legal rights which can be protected, which is a core of Jersey's discrimination law about protected characteristics regarding gender reassignment. But this must be done by the law, not by distortions of science purveyed as truth. I know several trans people who have undergone gender reassignment surgery and I would be appalled if they suffered prejudice because of that, and I suspect that in some parts of society, they do.
But inclusivity means welcoming everyone. It does not mean altering facts to suit everyone. In fact, because "assigned at birth" is not based on sound science, it is like a house built on sand, and will leave open a door to undermining the rights of transgender people.
It is an insidious practice which is replacing the truth of science with social constructs, and has been creeping, almost invisibly, into medical training.
Here are definitions which illustrate this::
Sex assigned at birth” means the male or female designation that doctors ascribe to infants based on genitalia and is marked on their birth records.
Instead of saying “biological sex,” some people use the phrase “assigned male at birth” or “assigned female at birth.” This acknowledges that someone (often a doctor) is making a decision for someone else. The assignment of a biological sex may or may not align with what’s going on with a person’s body, how they feel, or how they identify.
But this is comprehensively debunked by an article by Alan Sokal and Richard Dawkins -“Sex Assigned at Birth”: The medical establishment betrays science, logic and common sense
Sex assigned at birth” means the male or female designation that doctors ascribe to infants based on genitalia and is marked on their birth records.
Instead of saying “biological sex,” some people use the phrase “assigned male at birth” or “assigned female at birth.” This acknowledges that someone (often a doctor) is making a decision for someone else. The assignment of a biological sex may or may not align with what’s going on with a person’s body, how they feel, or how they identify.
But this is comprehensively debunked by an article by Alan Sokal and Richard Dawkins -“Sex Assigned at Birth”: The medical establishment betrays science, logic and common sense
The link to the full text is given afterwards, but here are the main points:
"Sex in all animals is defined by gamete size; sex in all mammals is determined by sex chromosomes; and there are two and only two sexes: male and female. All this is, of course, hardly news: it has been known for over a century, and it is basic stuff from any half-decent high-school course in biology. For sure, quirks of mutation or prenatal development may leave some individuals unable to produce viable gametes at all. But an infertile individual with a Y chromosome is still male, just as a one-legged person remains a full member of our bipedal species."
"Much is speciously made of the fact that a very few humans are born with chromosomal patterns other than XX and XY. The most common, Klinefelter syndrome (XXY), occurs in about 0.1% of live births; these individuals are anatomically male, though often infertile. Some extremely rare conditions, such as de la Chapelle syndrome (0.003%) and Swyer syndrome (0.0005%), arguably fall outside the standard male/female classification. Even so, the sexual divide is an exceedingly clear binary, as binary as any distinction you can find in biology."
And then they explain how a babies sex is not assigned but observed:
"A baby’s name is assigned at birth; no one doubts that. But a baby’s sex is not “assigned”; it is determined at conception and is then observed at birth, first by examination of the external genital organs, and then, in cases of doubt, by chromosomal analysis."
Can this be mistaken? Doctors are fallible.
"Of course, any observation can be erroneous, and in rare cases the sex reported on the birth certificate is inaccurate and needs to be subsequently corrected. But the fallibility of observation does not change the fact that what is being observed — a person’s sex — is an objective biological reality, just like their blood group or fingerprint pattern, not something that is 'assigned'."
And they highlight that there is a patent dishonesty about this terminology, which stems from good intentions - to protect the rights and feelings of transgender feeling. But this is not the right way to go about it, by perpetrating lies:
"The medical establishment’s new-found reluctance to speak honestly about biological reality most likely stems from a laudable desire to defend the human rights of transgender people. But while the goal is praiseworthy, the chosen method is misguided. Protecting transgender people from discrimination and harassment does not require pretending that sex is merely 'assigned'.
And they highlight that there is a patent dishonesty about this terminology, which stems from good intentions - to protect the rights and feelings of transgender feeling. But this is not the right way to go about it, by perpetrating lies:
"The medical establishment’s new-found reluctance to speak honestly about biological reality most likely stems from a laudable desire to defend the human rights of transgender people. But while the goal is praiseworthy, the chosen method is misguided. Protecting transgender people from discrimination and harassment does not require pretending that sex is merely 'assigned'.
"It is never justified to distort the facts in the service of a social or political cause, no matter how just. If the cause is truly just, then it can be defended in full acceptance of the facts about the real world; if that cannot be done, then the cause is not just."